Friday, October 12, 2007

Authoritarian & Enslaved Regimes and Dissolution of Negative Afflictive Influence...

So-called 'Authoritarian' regimes have no power in and of themselves. Authority can only be claimed in any subject or field if there is respect, honour and truth. These regimes should rather be called 'Enslaved Regimes' - because the corrupt governmental officials and their black-plague-like influence on their military and people in society are enslaved to greed and the lust for power. Actually, it is their insecurity that is often the root of their most unspeakable acts of repression. Insecurity whips them hard because their conscience tells them constantly that their apparent 'power' and 'influence' is ephemeral and impermanent - out of desperation they act and feed flames through sadistic pursuits...the desecration of pristine forests, lakes and mountains...the raping and pillaging of villages and monasteries...the burning of texts and twisting of laws to bear even a heavier burden on the poor and the intellectuals in society. These acts are hardly 'authoritarian' or 'powerful' nor do they give glory to the motherland or fatherland.

Ink and Paper do not make a text sacred...
So why bother burning libraries in monasteries?
Flesh and blood do not threaten political status...
So why bother crippling monks and nuns?
There are no curfews for a heart that beats with compassion...
So why bother setting them...
The blessings of the Awakened Ones transcend time and space...
Why bother confiscating a picture...
Imprisoning a gem will only make it more precious...
For we all long to see its beauty...

In fact, these enslaved regimes accuse those who have the greatest love for Mother Nature of 'splitting' their country. These enslaved regimes then literally split the country and sell it off like a whore in the name of profit to anyone. In fact, enslaved regimes may include democratic countries for they support through economic endeavours and also become infected by the virus of co-dependent economic needs and desires. Every day the aarti bell rings in the stock exchange and all cheer and laugh with joy at the rising and falling of numbers flashing upon a screen...all which are dependent on consumer confidence. Many of these numbers do not properly represent the support of enslaved regimes to our minds...but they do. In fact, the American government can be tried for treason for supporting a 'communist' regime such as the 'Peoples' republic of China through their economy. In any case, the enslaved regime in China and Burma are in its death throws...the people will revolt more and more from all walks of life. Freedom to express oneself will be placed above economic growth in the long run.

Treating people who live in rural areas like sub-humans is akin to defiling your ancestors - for that is the way in which they lived and flourished in the past! Taking land from farmers and selling it to corporations is sacrilegious to the core philosophy of communism. It is not a coincidence that HH Karmapa and HH Dalai Lama chose to be born in such a society in these modern times. These hypocritical actions will be the downfall very, very shortly.

Blind Rapers of Sacred Land and compassionate vessels...
Beware the Vajra that now descends on you!!!
No one can undo your impure actions...
...they will come to haunt you when you become aware of the spiritual path...
All are on the path to Liberation...
Behold the Dharma that will unite the land...
Behold the Dharma that will make all prosper...
Behold the Dharma that makes life a precious wish-fulfilling gem...

True power, influence and authority can only come through respect not fear, torture and shallow promises and treaties. The way the disciple completely obeys the Perfect Master, the Supreme Guru, in body, speech & mind can never be achieved through elitist oppression. This is Author-it-aryan...Noble Path of meditative and devotional practice...

The Masters will free the people from negative afflictive emotions not the military!

Proud was I plucked from the forest and offered upon the altar...
Among the images of the Masters, I sat bestowing beauty and divine fragrance...
Incense, money and tears accompanied me on my enthronement...
The morning, afternoon and evening prayers I lasted...
Then beginning to wilt, my divine glow waned...
My good deeds exhausted...blemishes appeared on the moon...
Thrown from my altar-throne vase...I was swept away with the dust and filth...
To merge with Mother Earth once more...
There the Masters remain untouched, pure...
With compassionate smiles and mudras, detached and unaffected...
They bless me still...

From henceforth the shakti of the Tibetan people, Burmese people and all persecuted peoples will increase...the noble and compassionate ones will begin to free these enslaved regimes...

May there be peace in Tibet! May there be peace in Burma! May there be peace in Africa! May there be peace in China! May there be peace in Sri Lanka!
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti...
Om Mani Padme Hum...
Om Mani Pema Hung...

His Holiness the Seventeenth Gyalwang Karmapa: Global Oneness Interview

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