Friday, July 6, 2007

When the Three 7's Clash!

Well in this area of the earthly sphere we are about three quarters of an hour from the 7-7-7 day...So from the prophet Joseph Hill's Two Sevens Clash to the Three...

Numer0logically speaking the seventh digit is extremely esoteric in virtually all ancient traditions...

In Judaism...7 is pronounced as 'Sheva'...same as 'Shiva'...representing the Immortal principle that is the source of all auspiciousness and the firmament of Creation...In Sanskrit 7 is 'Sapta' and the Sapta Rishis are the 7 Great Seers whom are the Supreme wire-pullers of Creation...It is they who draw the sacred Creation Mandalas on the Face of the Waters as per the will of the Lord God...

The Union of Shiva Shakti is the Supreme Liberation and it was worshiped all over the Mecca the Black Stone is a Lingam united with a is a sacred Shakti Pith of the Goddess and the murtis all surrounded it...even now upon the columns you can see Ganesh...and the angels do parikrama with the pilgrims still to this very day...

Allakh Niranjan! Adesh!

"Shiva is Allah, Allah is Shiva"
Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi

*blognote: 'Two Sevens Clash' is a direct link from a 'silence is a rhythm too' blogentry

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Divine Consciousness....The Face of the Waters...

"Consciousness - One's only God"
Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath

The currents of thought within the timeless stream Consciousness are like the sacred Mother Ganga...She takes whatever you offer without discrimination...the dhiya offerings of live light and ghee, camphor or oil...the marigolds and other numerous majestic flower offerings...the offerings of incense...of the remains of saint and sinner alike...the waste products of body, mind and soul...the toxic wastes of human endeavor...She carries it all to vast ocean...

Like our thoughts so will the apparent nature of our mind and the avenues for expression for the Consciousness...Consciousness is innately pure...beyond time and is immortal yet ever new and unique...words of the Guru are the pure teaching of pure Consciousness...and we can only perceive that purity if we attune ourselves with the Clear-Light Mind of the Master...otherwise we are blessed by the words of the Guru, however we understand not the full totality of the implications of the teaching and how to pass on the exact vibrations imparted by the Master to others...

As one develops control over the mind and the senses...the will and intent can have increased clarity when directing awareness to any given object/subject presented before the third-eye...Here we can see the Masters in the practice of the transference of consciousness..the Christ transfered the spirits possessing an individual into the swines and the demonic swines ran into the waters and drowned...Milarepa also transferred a portion of His consciousness to a door when He was poisoned by a hypocrite who gave Milarepa offerings...the door shattered and Milarepa said, "That is only a portion of the pain this body is enduring"...Marpa also demonstrated transference of consciousness by leaving His body lifeless and entering various animals that had just died...He also transferred the consciousness of His beloved son to a bird when his son met with an untimely death...

The Masters can also transfer their enlightened mind...their Divine their worthy disciple...a worthy disciple may not be the most senior or the most knowledgeable of the group...only the one that is purest in heart and best suited to ensure the lineage carries on in that particular age...

When one reads the Ganga Mahamudra Upadesa of Sri must realise that the great Master Tilopa bestowed the name Ganga to the teaching to not only pay homage to the sacred river upon whose banks the Realized Masters have meditated for aeons regardless of their religio-socio-economic backgrounds, but also to denote that Ganga symbolises pure Consciousness as Sri Yoganandaji has said in His most excellent commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, 'God Talks With Arjuna'.

Ganga Ma

She carries offerings of flowers & love...
ashes & mortal remains...
and pollution & filth
with equinimity...
Karma Yogini...
Thoughts are offerings that float upon the surface...
The thoughts of attraction and repulsion must be transcended...

Oh! Ganga Ma! We do aarati in the morning and evening...
But the Sun does aarati all day...
The Universe wants to worship you...
All want to give thanks and be cleansed...
You bestow deep inner peace...
You bring happiness that's sweet and birthless...
Your waves and current may dance...
but your grace and Love remain firm and unshakeable...
Praises to You, Ganga Ma!
Make your heart a garland for the Lord's Lotus Feet!
Hari Om...Hara, Hara...
Hari Om...Hari Om...
To know you've been flowing since the time of Sri Krishna...
and even before Sri Rama Chandraji...
It's such a joy to reflect upon you...
Jai Gomukh! Jai Gangotri! Jai Ganga Maya!
Hara Gangeya Mayee Ki...Jai!
The Rishis adore you...