Thursday, April 12, 2007

Srimad Bhagavad Geeta Vidya Reflections...

In the heart of all resides the Lord...He is as a flame in the cavity of the heart before the altar of the mind. When the mind is purified through practice and more sadhana...the mind perceives the flame of illumination [as a mirror]...However, the flame flickers for the senses are not under full control. The jnani ('man of knowledge') transforms into the vijnani ('man of wisdom')...The vijnani must transform into the Yogi ('universal transformer')...Prana...Natha...The Lord of Prana instructs the Yogi upon the path of Truth and Self-Realization. Currents of prana and upana swell as the oceans of samsara...

Oh, Best of Men are those whom still the breath...
Salutations to Thee - Oh, Tamer of the Waves!

With gates of the sacred temple locked and the prana-upana yagya complete...
The flame stands firm as the Agni Lingam...The Atma Lingam...The Parama Lingam...

Thus illumined, the Yogi attains solitude and tranquility - even amongst the crowds...with mind kept pure...the illumination/flame of Agni Lingam is reflected by the mind with one-pointed attention on any object the Yogi desires...The object thus burnt by the fiery gaze of the Yogi reveals its Supreme Reality...And as a whole village may be blessed by the light of aarati and many may be fed prasadam and given great joy - so many are benefited by the nearness of such a Yogi - a living mundir where the Self-Illuminating flame is ever kept lit in the inner sanctum-sanctorum...

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