Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Give Peace a Dance...

The substratum of all creation is Love...within each atom is Atmic principle...within every heart is the Lord of Lord enshrined...We often forget that the Lord is ever present in our whirlwind of thoughts and desires...we generally only come to Divine in our most stressful moments or when we urgently desire something...The Lord is always there and knows what you want and need before the prayer has even begun to formalise...

It is for this reason that in Bhagavad Gita Sri Krishna says that even a leaf, flower, fruit and water offered with heartfelt love will suffice for an offering...as Sri Yogananda has written in His commentary on the Gita...this offering is sufficient for very few Self-Realised Yogis exist in the world to offer themselves completely...of course, the leaf, flower, fruit and water can be made into symbolic offerings for something deeper...for example...

Oh Lord, I humbly offer the fruits of my karma...
Oh Lord, I humbly offer the flower of my ever-blossoming love...
Oh Lord, please accept the leaf of my limited knowledge plucked from the tree of wisdom...
Oh Lord, please take the water of my tears of joy and sorrow - and transform them into the waters of Ganga...

...this is but one example of how one may use symbolic heartfelt offerings in place of or in conjuction with the literal objects prescribed in texts...Just recently HH Karmapa forbade all of His followers from offering alcohol and meat for Mahakala and Kalachakra rituals as literally prescribed in the texts...He said unless you are at the advanced state whereby Mahakala actually appears and partakes in the offerings or you have the siddhi of restoring life to the 'dead' then one is merely satisfying ones own desire for the objects themselves...

In anycase, the offerings must be done with heartfelt compassion and love for all!

Often, we feel alone, melancholy and forgotten by the world...we see that our friends and family are too busy with their lives to feel your pain...yet the Lord is there in the heart and feels everything...it is when we die and leave this world that suddenly our friends and family are affected profoundly by our existence on the earthly plane...their love becomes more fully manifest...yet the love was always there...if we shall commit suicide...there will be some who condemn the act...but more will feel great loss...Too often we do not know how much we affect our own surroundings...even trees that you passed by everyday will notice your departure...even birds that watched you run to work from the telephone poles notice that you are no longer...

Everything is interconnected in the universe...not even one grass can move without the will of the Lord...like a complex webpage that is designed with flash and java...even the addition or omission of a single letter or symbol will result in the web-page not appearing properly...it is the same with the universe...

Look at the waves in the ocean, lake or sea...there are bigger waves that have more power and grace...then there are little ones that rise and fall hardly for a moment...both are equally important and the ocean would not be what it is without either one...

Whatever love and compassion we have fostered in our lives up until this moment...we must radiate this Love to all...there is no such thing as anti-radiation...and with so many harmful vibes radiating in the world now...we must radiate love and peace...just as there are suicide bombers who crave a heaven for themselves and their exclusive elite sect...we must detonate love when we are in a crowded market, street or metro...and envision an abode for all to have eternal peace and rest...

The Elements are gifts from the Lord so that the Pure Consciousness can express itself through Kriya-tion...The Elements can be envisioned as Gods & Goddesses, Kings & Queens, Buddhas & Bodhisattvas or scientifically as divinely complex and mysterious phenomenon...

"Water is Life"...Praises to Shiva for carrying Ganga Ma in His Locks!!!
Hara Hara Gangey Maya ki JAI!!!

Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath Earthdance Message

Dr. Emoto Earthdance Message

Monday, September 3, 2007

Happy Janmashtami!!!

And the pinnacle of mysticism reaches its zenith in the complete absorption and union with the Supreme Reality...and what a celebration Janmashtami is in relation to the divine outflow of devotion for Sri Krishna!!...Verily, thousands of years have past since the Avatar's lotus feet blessed the earth...and even still millions around the world dance and sing in ecstasy in recalling His Supreme Magical past times...reflecting upon His teachings and asking for His grace...

The divine life of Sri Krishna gives endless amount of reflection upon how to deal with and transform every relationship we may have in our lives...between ourselves and the gods...between ourselves and our Supreme Self...between ourselves and Nature including our own nature of thought and action...between ourselves and the Guru...

His life is a mandala of teachings upon the perfection of yoga through taking any chosen relationship and fusing the Triple Divine Jewels of Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Karma Yoga in one holistic Path of Enlightenment...

He teaches Kriya Yoga to His Kriya-tion!!! For it is through Kriya Yoga that He, Himself, has fashioned, manifested the manifold universes...

We emerged through the independent co-origin and eventual intermingling of the three gunas and skandhas...We are are held suspended in the matrix-like, kaleidoscopic winds of Karma...and the winds of Karma are held within the Pure Bliss Space of Emptiness...

Like the Supreme Guru...Sri Krishna is the Attractor...the Magnetic Pull...the source of Beauty...look at the world and whatever you find attractive know that that object of attraction is but a mere fraction of His Glory seen through the see-through silken cloth of Prakriti...

And it is this aspect of glimpsing Him through Nature that drives the devotee into madness of divine intoxication...When we hear a melody in any respective genre that strikes a chord with us that makes our eyes upturn into the third eye in ecstasy...we cannot go anywhere else for there is nothing to grasp...This feeling occurs over and over again as everything, every experience reminds us of Sri Krishna...then we twirl like whirling dervishes out of suffering merging samsara with nirvana...Then it is our duty to share our glowing heart with the world...to transmit our ananda to the world at large...

Jai Shri Krishna!!!

Hari Bol!!!

Sri Krishna Govinda Hari Murari...Hey Natha Narayana Vasudeva!!!