Numer0logically speaking the seventh digit is extremely esoteric in virtually all ancient traditions...
In Judaism...7 is pronounced as 'Sheva'...same as 'Shiva'...representing the Immortal principle that is the source of all auspiciousness and the firmament of Creation...In Sanskrit 7 is 'Sapta' and the Sapta Rishis are the 7 Great Seers whom are the Supreme wire-pullers of Creation...It is they who draw the sacred Creation Mandalas on the Face of the Waters as per the will of the Lord God...
The Union of Shiva Shakti is the Supreme Liberation and it was worshiped all over the Mecca the Black Stone is a Lingam united with a is a sacred Shakti Pith of the Goddess and the murtis all surrounded it...even now upon the columns you can see Ganesh...and the angels do parikrama with the pilgrims still to this very day...
Allakh Niranjan! Adesh!
"Shiva is Allah, Allah is Shiva"
Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi
Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi
*blognote: 'Two Sevens Clash' is a direct link from a 'silence is a rhythm too' blogentry