Here is a 24 minute clip of the film 'Wings to Freedom'...Sri Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath gives a transmission of the ancient Nath Yogis in such a direct manner that it seems to uplift one into a higher level of consciousness just by observing the video. It is incredible how the Masters can transmit through any media necessary - whether it be dreams, inner voices or direct communication through
mudra (mystic sign language)/voice or the written word in its potent prosaic or poetic form. It is pure bliss to behold Him recite mystic poetry in the Himalayan Forests. This mystic poetry is some of the most direct transmissions of Truth and reflects theory and practice as fused within the very 'being' or 'non-being' of the Yogi - Wisdom and Skillful Means United...Vajrayana - 'The Lightening Path'.
Untie the chord of breath that binds the soul to the bodily cage
Sri Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath
The divine alchemy of Kundalini Kriya Yoga to hasten the evolution of the self-soul exercises a double action; the upward breath of Prana expands soul consciousness and the downward breath of Apana burns the seeds of past karmas before they ripen into fruit.
In the Bhagvad Gita (Ch V Verse 27-28), Yogavatar Krishna says, “The meditation expert (muni) becomes eternally free from external phenomenon by concentrating his gaze between the eyebrow; and by neutralising the uneven currents of Prana and Apana flowing within the nostrils. Such a yogi transforms his sensory mind, his intellect and frees himself from the karma of fear, anger and desire.”
There are two main currents in the body. One is that of Prana which flows from the coccyx to the point between the eyebrows. The nature of this current is soothing.
It introverts the practitioner’s attention during sleep and wakeful state, and in meditation unites the soul with the spirit in the third ventricle of the brain called the Shivanetra- third eye. The other current is that of Apana which flows from the third eye to the coccyx.
This extroverted downward flowing current distributes itself through the coccyx centre to the motor-sensory nerves. This keeps mans consciousness delusively tied to the body. The Apana current is restless and engrosses man in sensory experiences.
Kriya Yoga is a process of converting breath into life-force and realising the body as light. This pranayama arrests bodily decay connected with Apana, manifest in the exhaled breath, by fresh inhalations of life-force (Prana) distilled from the inhaled breath. In the practice of Kriya Yoga the will and imagination of the practitioner transmutes the oxygen of breath into life energy and blends it into the spiritual currents of the spine. As one inhales and exhales continuously according to the prescribed method, oxygen is quickly converted into life energy that recharges the entire body, especially the blood and the lungs with vital sustenance.
Due to the circulation of Prana and Apana, up and down the spine, positive and negative poles are established on the opposite sides of the hollow spinal tube, between the Agya Chakra and the Muladhar. The magnetic pull between the two poles brings the actual circulation of the Sushumna current, and awakens the subtle layers of the Kundalini.
Such must be the absorption that with every inhalation one becomes the cool ascending breath word of Prana, transmuting the atoms of oxygen into life energy in the spine. And with every exhalation one becomes the warm descending breath word of Apana burning carbon-dioxide and the venous blood.
This movement of Prana enables the practitioner to do away with the illusion of decay and mutation; who then realises the body to be made of lifetrons of congealed light. The body of the Kriya Yogi is recharged with extra energy distilled from the breath and energised by the tremendous dynamo of energy generated in the spine, the decay of body tissues decreases.
This ultimately makes unnecessary the blood cleansing functions of the heart. The heart pump becomes quiet owing to the non-pumping of venous blood and exhalation and inhalation of breath are evened out. The life energy unites in the currents in the spine.
The light of pure Prana scintillates from the six chakras to all the bodily cells keeping them in a spiritually magnetised condition.
Kriya Yoga teaches man to untie the cord of breath that binds the soul to the bodily cage. Thus releasing the soul to fly and expand into the super conscious skies of omnipresent spirit and come back at will into the little body cage.
No flight of fancy this but a true experience of divinity. In the shadow of words may Kriya Yoga be dimly perceived, but more beautifully, in the light of its living may it be expressed. Kriya Yoga is a way of life and much more. It is the divine alchemy, which transforms the mind and merges it into the ineffable presence of the SELF who dwells within all of us. Whether we call this presence Krishna, Christ, Shiva, Buddha or Allah is a question of mere dialect. The essential fact is becoming the Presence, becoming the peace that passes all understanding.
(taken from the Financial Express 'Faith' Section on April 22, 2007)